Helga Kleisny


Warum Fliegen sich im Kino langweilen

(Why flies get bored at the movies)

is a humorous book about successful strategies in our daily life. About technical developments and research that may concern us in the future. Bionics as the strategy tool for the future. The press liked it – you might like it too…

The book deals with technical development and research that may menace us in the future. And how nature has solved our current technical problems much more successful than our technicians are able to. Strategies for today and tomorrow for succeeding and mastering all upcoming challenges. Bionics as the strategy tool for the future.

From da Vinci to nano technology. From gene research to robots. Robots showing emotions. Aviation. Computer for the future.

With a lot of internet research tipps and links to the topics. And a meta story that seduces the reader to an imaginary way of thinking – that may lead to a unusual yet successful way of problem solving.


Link to Reviews



Pages from the book:


  Page 52 Form follows function






Page 82  
The secret inside the Cheops pyramid

Page 182  Book-Bonus:
Tipps and Tricks for professional finding data on the internet.